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Children are clear about who they are until there is an unholy interruption. Children don't need to be prophesied to at birth, much like the birds. They know who they are and they know they will be cared for until their identity is doubted with words or actions against them. -Coach Qiana Nicole Wilson

Explore your dreams.

dreams imagination purpose vision Oct 21, 2021

Imagination has its role in aligning with our original design.

Imagine a young child, crawling around on the floor, surrounded by toys, their eyes filled with wonder and curiosity. They move from one object to the next, captivated by the joy of discovery. As they grow older, this sense of exploration is still present, and they boldly venture forth to conquer new experiences.

Children don't overthink; they just GO! They envision themselves as giants, royalty, or anything they want to be, fully immersed in their imaginary worlds. They remind us that imagination is the key to exploration – a gateway to new perspectives and possibilities.

But as adults, have we lost touch with our imagination? Do we only imagine mundane things like taking a nap or having extra money? To truly explore, we need to rekindle the spark of imagination within us.

Imagination is like a guiding compass that leads us to explore new territories. It opens the door to a realm of endless possibilities, allowing us to uncover our unique, God-given dreams.

Reflect on your childhood dreams before any pain or disappointment. What did you daydream about? What activities brought you pure joy? These clues hold the connection to your original design – the way you were wired by God for a purpose.

In life, we might face detours and challenges, but remember this: who you were as a child is still part of who you are now. Your core identity remains unchanged; it simply needs to be realigned with God's big picture for your life.

Now, let's embrace the invitations of aligning with our original design. Ask God about His dream for your life, from the very beginning until now. Seek to fall in love with His dream over you. Close your eyes and vividly imagine yourself living that dream. With the help of the Holy Spirit, explore the steps you can take to make it your experiential reality.

Remember, purpose is not something we chase; it's about rediscovering and aligning with God's divine plan for us. As we explore and embrace our true design, we'll find ourselves on a remarkable journey that brings us closer to the fulfilling life God intended for us.

So, let's embark on this exploration together and discover the beautiful path that aligns us with God's purpose.

With love, QianaNicole


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