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Go by the water and rest instead of hustling.

Do Not Hustle Hard. Rest.

dreams hustle purpose strategy vision Oct 21, 2021

Rejecting the Hustle Hard Mentality and Embracing Rest

In a world that glorifies "Hustle Hard" and believes that success comes at the cost of rest, the idea of finding one's purpose can become a challenging and exhausting journey. But what if I told you that your journey is not about finding purpose but aligning with your original design, and that success is already yours, waiting for you to embrace the authentic YOU?

Picture this journey as a delightful adventure, where each step brings you closer to your authentic self and the unique plan God has for you. It's not about chasing after some elusive purpose, but rather, aligning with the YOU that success is already available to.

By no means does this mean we don't work in the journey and our assignments, but it does mean that we partner with God and lean into His intel, and the rest comes from the place of trusting in His wisdom, strength, and abilities as we build.

Instead of pushing yourself to burnout with hustle and grind, you can embrace the gift of rest and discover that success and rest go hand in hand. Success is not something you have to wrestle with; it's already woven into the fabric of your being.

Let go of the misconception that hustling non-stop is the only way to achieve greatness because greatness is also woven into your design. Hustle culture might try to convince you that rest is a luxury, but in truth, it is essential for your well-being. God designed you to thrive within rest.

As you embark on this journey of self-discovery, take a seat in God's presence and allow Him to update your map. The landmarks might look familiar, but with His guidance, you'll start to see them from a different perspective. The noise around you will fade, and the truth about your original design will become clearer.

Uncover the lies that have tried to convince you that mistakes and detours on your path are failures. In reality, those so-called mistakes might be divine interventions or redirections, leading you to new and exciting opportunities. Embrace them with gratitude, knowing that each step is part of the revealing of the grand design.

Release the burden of hustling and carrying the weight of making everything happen. Instead, rest in the assurance that God's plan for you is perfect. Let His love and wisdom be your GPS, guiding you effortlessly toward alignment with your original design.

When you align with God's original design for your life, success will follow, and rest will become a natural part of your journey. Trust in His timing and His ways, for He knows what's best for you. Embrace the harmony of success and rest, as they dance together in perfect rhythm.

So, friend, don't let the hustle hard mentality rob you of the joy of rest. Uncover your original design with ease, and watch as success embraces you on this beautiful journey of alignment.

Challenge yourself to let go of the hustle, and instead, seek the rest that fuels your soul. As you surrender to God's guidance, you'll find that success and rest are not adversaries but rather companions in your quest for a fulfilled and authentic life.

XO: Coach QianaNicole

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